There’s a common confusion about the length of time that Jesus spent dead. You hear the phrase “three days” a lot, but if you sit down and look at the original story, it was barely more than one day. He died on (Good) Friday night, spent all of Saturday pushing up daisies (or harrowing Hell, depending on whose version of the story you follow), and before sun-up on (Easter) Sunday He was up and about, looking for disciples to show Himself to. I’m sticking to that timing here, not that “after three days” business.

FYI, the Bible doesn’t say Jesus resurrected on Sunday. Easter is currently celebrated on Sundays, but there’s nothing in the Bible to support that. The likely reason we celebrate Easter on Sundays is because that’s when most Christians go to church. But even that is not Biblical. God says to keep the Sabbath day holy, which is the 7th day, which is Saturday. So actually the Jews (and 7th Day Adventists) have it right. Christians are actually keeping the 1st day holy. Like most spiritual things they have it bass ackward
You’re absolutely right that (most) Christians don’t keep the Sabbath holy, with all that partying on Friday nights and working around the house on Saturdays. But to be fair, most of the ones who’ve bothered to pay attention to their own theology understand that, and think that being holy on Sunday instead is OK.
John 19-20* is actually pretty clear about the timeline of crucifixion and resurrection: the corpse had to be taken down promptly because at sundown the Sabbath would begin (and a Passover Sabbath, which is to the Jews like Superbowl Sunday is to the Americans). Then it describes the Not-Virgin Mary (Magdalene) meeting the crypt-keeper angels on the morning of the first day of the week: a Sunday. I’m pretty sure that’s where the Sunday-as-day-of-worship thang came from.
*Biblical references courtesy of the Gideons’ Bible taken from the motel room used on my lunch break yesterday.
I didn’t realize this was your comic, JAQ. Do you still hang out at Digital Webbing? Don’t recall seeing you there recently.
BTW, this comic is heinous. Unfortunately, it’s hilarious so I’ll have to keep reading it.
Certain regulars on DW got on my nerves too much to hang out there. Glad you like the comic!