What?! You think that priest looks like me? Nonsense! What kind of egotist would put himself into his stories? (I’ll tell you what kind: the kind who would use his own sex life as the basis for a porno-graphic-novel… but that’s for later.)
This brings the epic saga of Fetus Christ to a close. Seriously, this is it: there will be no sequels, no prequels, no retcons, etc. Not that anyone was calling for more, but it’s the principle of the thing. Stories should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is The End.
Not that this means the end of Jason A. Quest. No such luck. In fact, a week from the posting of this will be the launch of another all-new story. Captain Miracle is another Holy Comics! feature, but with a different approach. It’s a superhero story (sort of), about a hero with powers given to him by God Almighty. Superheroes with powers from “the gods” are nothing new. Captain Marvel is an example of that, almost as old as Superman. Superheroes with more scientific powers are also old-hat. Alan Moore’s Miracleman is a perfect example of that.
Captain Miracle is something else. He’s a superhero who gets his powers from YHWH Himself. And he’s here to save the world, from homosexuality, from paganism, from secularism, from science, from terrorism, from Islam, from…. the forces of Satan himself. And worse. It’s written by Jason A. Quest, with art by Ozzy Longoria. You can follow it week to week at CaptainMiracle.com.
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Whoa, finally caught up with this story. Hilariously awesome!
I was hoping for “awesomely hilarious”, but thanks!
Cool! That’s a cvleer way of looking at it!
I really enjoyed this whole saga; just came across it tonight after seeing the link on your Bleeding Cool comments. The hanger on the Christ statue in this last frame is inspired! I’ve got an ‘alternate Christian-style history’ short story that I made recently, called ‘Killer Brother’, that you might like. It’s one of the links on my blog, http://www.heroblob.blogspot.com.
Anyway, point is- loved this story!!
Well, if real-world Christians turned the instrument of the Messiah’s murder into a religious fetish, it only makes sense that they’d do the same in the Fetus-Christ universe.
I’m glad you liked this story. I encourage you to to check out Captain Miracle, which is a bit different in tone, but reflects some of the same spirit of theological speculation. And keep your eyes and ears open in the future for another Holy Comics story I’m writing, which extrapolates the “alternate history” question in a completely different direction.
I’ll check out your story, of course.
Why isn’t that Alter Boy holding his bleeding rectum? Or does that happen after Mass?
Because the priest in this scene is me.
Ah, so the alter boy is already used to it.