OK, a little overt political commentary here; skip it if you have a problem with that.
One of the most callous side effects of the efforts to outlaw abortion would be its impact on miscarriages. Because if a fetus is a “person”, and aborting one is “murder”, then any miscarriage that wasn’t obviously the result of an accidental injury to the would-be mother would have to be treated as a possible homicide. A woman who is understandably traumatized by the loss of the little baby boy or girl she was expecting would have to go through the further trauma of being the number one murder suspect. The would-be father would be suspect number two. Even if it was treated as just a bureaucratic formality, the questions they would have to ask would be a cruel slap in the face to the real victims
But anyway, back to talking about the story. Of all the miracles performed by Jesus, the raising of Lazarus was the one that I really wanted to reinterpret in the context of an undead unborn messiah. It’s really kind of an interesting miracle to begin with, because Lazarus was the only person whom Jesus agreed was actually dead before He raised him. Otherwise, it was “only sleeping”. So here He is, dead before birth, and He’s asked to do something about another fetus, dead (of natural causes) before birth. And just how gross the whole situation would be if depicted in graphic form….
Next page: “Bush v. Gore”! (ADVISORY: Contains explicit depiction of both bush and gore.)
I think you should start a “comic” strip about Islam. But you’re not man enough to go there.
It’s easy to attack Catholicism. A bitch like you doesn’t have the cojones to go after Islam.
What, you mean like my “Mohammed and Friends” cartoon? (Which I originally hoped to do as an ongoing strip, but who has the time?)
Or the submission I did of Nic Cage as Mohammed for the “Nic Cage as Everyone” blog?
If that isn’t enough, stick around for the appearance of the evil islamist warlord Sodom Mohammed in my Captain Miracle adventure (which begins after Fetus Christ is finished).
But the bottom line is that I write about the things I’m interested in writing about. You know, I haven’t written any scathing satires of the Shriners, but that isn’t because I’m afraid of a bunch of men who wear fezzes and ride around in tiny cars at parades. It’s because I have nothing to say about them. When/if I write more about Islam, it’ll be because I have something to say; courage/fear has nothing to do with it. And someone posting childish insults while hiding behind a silly name like HellBlazerRaiser everywhere he goes is no position to criticize someone else’s courage.
(I’ve deleted the rest of HBR’s comments because they were just a series of childish personal attacks, and I don’t want people to get the impression that this comic is geared toward children. I left this one because it came close to having a point to make.)